What is heat and temperature, conversion of temperature scales. What is a thermometer .

Heat is a form of energy which gives the sensation of hotness or coldness.

Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness.There are different scales to measure temperature and the instrument by which temperature can measure is called THERMOMETER .

Name of different temperature scales

1- centigrade


3- Reaumer

4 -kalvin  

Symbols are  used as

C is used for centigrade

F is used for fahrenheite

R for Reaumer

K for kalvin

For different scales of measurement of temperature upper fixed value as boiling point and lower fixed value as melting points are taken.

In case of Celsius scale , the upper fixed  point is taken as 100 degree  and the lower fixed point is taken as zero degree centigrade.

In case of fahrenheit scale these are 212 degree and 32 degree.

In case of reaumer scale these are taken as 80 degree and zero degree.

In case of Kelvin scale these are taken as 373 and 273.

Note- All those are divided into 100 equal parts and each part is called are called 1 degree centigrade , 1 degree fahrenheit ,1 degree reamer respectively .

Now ,we can convert them into other according to following formula.

C-0/100-0 =F-33/212-32 =R-0/80-0 =k-273/373-273

Which is simply written as 

C-0/5=F-32/9 =R-0/4=k-273/5

C/5 =F-32/9 =R/4=k-273/5

For example -

Convert 37 degree centigrade in to fahrenheit.

Solution - we know that , by formula 


Here given , C=37

Put C=37

Now , 37/5=F-32/9

F = 98.6 

Therefore by this formula you can convert one temperature scale to another.

Thermometer is that device by which we measure temperature of a body or surrounding.

      A digital mercury thermometer                        

Morcury thermometer was invented by Gabriel fahrenheit in 1714.

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