Number system , संख्या पद्धति

              The number system
Natural number :- All countable numbers . 
     Ex:- 1,2,3,....... 

Whole number :- when numbering starts from zero without fraction .
      Ex- 0 ,1,2,3,..

Even number -Which can divide by
by 2.

Can write in form 2m where m=1,2,3 ,....

Odd number :-Which can not divide by 2 .
Ex :-1,3,5,7,9,...

It can be in form - 2n+1 ,where n=0,1,2,3 ...

Prime number : Which can not divide 1 or itself .

Ex -2,3,5,7,11..

Coprime number :- A pair of numbers which has only one h.c.f 
means cannot be divide each other .
Ex -(3,5 ,). (2 ,3) etc

Intiger :- A set of positive and negative number but not a fraction .

Ex - -5 ,5. ,2,7,-8 etc

Rational number :- A number which is in the form of p/q , where p does not equal to zero and p and q € I, I is intiger  and p/q are co- prime number .  

Ex - 1/2 ,-3 , 5 , 7/6 etc

These are non terminating or non terminating decimal .

Ex - 7/8 =  0.875 
 and 1/3 =0.3333....

Here , There are two types of fraction result .

7/8 =0.875 terminating 
 1/3 =0.333333333.....
Here , 3 is repeated  non terminating
recurring . Both are rational .

Irrational number :- The number which are not rational and non terminating non recurring and may have root .

√2 , π 

√2 =1.414213562..... not repeating any term but not terminate or end .  
π= 22/7 =3.141592653.....
same nature .so it is also irrational .

                Here below a number line 

The Greek genious Archemidis was the first to compute digitsin the decimal expression of π .

     Archimedes  (287 BC -212 BC ) 

                             Thanks !

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